Edits in REDFrame starts 2030hrs EST, Sunday,
2 February 2025
After the successful Allied intervention at Scarpanto, the Italian garrison on Rhodes was able to neutralize the smaller Wehrmacht force.
Churchill has ordered the RN and British Army to exploit the immediate opportunity and seize Crete.
IV/JG27 and St.G 3 evacuated Scarpanto and have set up operations at Heraklion on Crete (F57 and F60).
Allied mechanized troops have landed on the south coast of the Crete and are advancing along the road to Heraklion. Their transports and supply ships lie just offshore.
The landing force is supported by HMS Illustrious further to the south.
A flight of Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force (ICAF) Macchi C.202s have started operating from the ruins of the airfield at Scarpanto.
The game:
British Army AI troops are advancing along the road from the south coast of Crete to Heraklion. If they reach F60 they will capture the field. If destroyed, AI troops will respawn at the south end of the road so long as the transport ships are still afloat.
Tobruk Terrain
Link to
inflight map.
RN and ICAF (GREEN)Seafire Mk IIC
Martlet V (FM-2 stand in)
Fairey Barracuda (SBD-5 Dauntless stand in) with 2 AI wingmen
MC.202 at Scarpanto (F4)
1 x CV6, 1 x DEST1, 8 x DEST2
4 x Transports, 4 x DEST2
LW (GOLD)Bf 109G-2
Ju 87D-5 with 2 AI wingmen
Unlimited lives. Recommend Ju 87/Barracuda use bomber/GV login.
Initial Side assignmentsAll players are welcome, will balance sides as required!
LW - 352nd, okdoc (because he said he wanted to sink a carrier)
RN - RCAF, 23rd, WB
Objectives:RN - Provide top cover for the assault forces. Weaken Wehrmacht/LW defenses at F60. Don't let the LW sink the Transport ships or the Illustrious.
LW - Stop the Allies from capturing Heraklion.
Weather: Clear
Flak: Max alt 25,000
Radar: RN 60 miles, LW 120 miles, min alt 200 ft
Icons - S3 standard
Questions/comments to the undersigned.