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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:37 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
Posts: 707
Location: Ottawa
Additions/amendments will be in RED text.
Edited 0820hrs EST 6 Dec - hardad removed from player listing as he is a member of the 23rd. My bad.

It's December 26th, 1950. A mere two months ago the United Nations forces were on the Chinese border in the north west and were pinning down the last remnants of the Korean People's Army (KPA) in the north east. That all changed when the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (PVA) flooded across the Yalu River into North Korea. The PVA is pushing the UN forces back below the 38th parallel, but their supply lines are becoming extended. Mig-15 fighters are operating from bases in Manchuria and tipping the balance of the air war. The UN forces are holding a line north of Seoul. Destruction of the Yalu River bridges is essential or the UN forces may be pushed all the way back to Pusan in the extreme south. B-29 bombers based in Japan are tasked to take out the bridges.

Christmas Over Korea is a two frame series featuring F-86 Sabre and Mig-15 Fagot jet combat. Each side will get a turn escorting B-29 bombers to try to destroy the two span bridge over the Yalu River at Dandong (Port 46).

Planning Map Frame 1 - Korea terrain. A number of airfields will not be available this series. They will be set neutral, closed and hidden on the tower and inflight map views. Pilots are cautioned not to land at these locations as it will count as a ditch with the aircraft lost.
The Mig-15 is only available from airfields in China. Pilots landing at airfields where the Mig-15 is not available will be required to fly the Yak-9.
The F-86 is only available at Kimpo Airfield (F171). Pilots landing at Musan airfield (Field 136) will be required to fly the P-51D.
B-29 bombers will have a 25K airstart at Osan (F179) simulating bombers flying from Japan. Bombers must land at Osan (F179) or they will be considered lost.


Use of the modified inflight map is strongly recommended.
The file can be found at the link below and saved to your warbirds root directory:
Prior to flight, in the tower map view ICONS should be selected ON and FIELD NAMES selected OFF.

Side assignments
Frames 1
United Nations (Team Gold): 352nd FG, okdoc-, chzwhz,
KPA (Team Green): RCAF, 4th FG, 23rd FG, irnwlf
Other lone wolves welcome and will be assigned a side based on numbers and comms capabilities.
Frames 2
Switch sides.

Voice Comms for frame 1
United Nations - TEAMSPEAK - 352nd channel --->352nd encouraged to set up a channel on the iEN DISCORD server.
KPA- DISCORD - If you do not already have Discord, or do not have access to the iEN Discord server, go to this address https://discord.com/invite/8u6MfGzxJQ

Game Settings and basic rules
Standard and bomber login.
Icons – d24 friendly, d12 range, d6 enemy plane
Weather - clear
Radar – 60 miles. Grey dots, inflight arrow. Minimum alt is 500 ft.
Flak - AAA limited to 35,000ft in height.
Fuel Multiplier - set at 1 for all aircraft. Minfuel fighters is 100%, bombers 50%.
BUFF Tough - set at 1
Rebuild Time - 300 mins
Game Length – 180 mins
Lives – 3 lives per frame. Players may not re-up in an aircraft type they have already lost (i.e. anything other than a safe landing).

1. Frame Timings

T-30 Log starts.
T-5 (or sooner) - Players log in for pre-flight coord.
T+0 (2030hrs EST) - Flight enabled.
T+160 (2310hrs EST) - Last surface attacks completed all a/c must disengage ASAP.
T+180 (2330hrs EST) - Dark(ish), any aircraft still in flight will be considered lost.

2. Field closure requirements - N/A for this series.

3. Plane Set:
Max two lives in a jet, then third life must be flown with a propeller. Three lives max, all of which may be flown in a prop plane..
UN: F-86 Sabre, P-51D, B-29 Superfortress (2 AI wingmen) UN fighters may not attack the bridge spans
KPA: Mig-15, Yak-9U

Players flying the B-29 should use the bomber login.

4. Teleporting
S3 mantra, teleporting is not permitted. At frame start players may launch from any airfield, but subsequently may only re-launch from the field they landed at.
Players who have lost their aircraft (KIA, Bail, Ditch, crash, etc) may re-up from any field.

5. Scoring
Victory Points are earned as follows:
Each bridge span destroyed scores 20 VPs for the UN.
Each Jet fighter lost (any cause) scores 2 VPs for the enemy.
Each Prop fighter lost (any cause) scores 1 VP for the enemy
Each Bomber/AI lost scores 1 VP for the KPA.
Team with the most VPs after 2 frames will be victorious.

6. Series Schedule
Frame 1: 10 Dec
Frame 2: 17 Dec

S3 Clarifications - the S3 staff reserves the right to make a ruling on questions or game situations not answered completely or missed by the rules.

Questions/comments are welcome.

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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