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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:08 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
Posts: 707
Location: Ottawa
Some concerns last night that the "hardness" of objects had been changed from previous S3s. This was not the case.
From time to time I will make modifications to the server file that determines object hardness when we switch between terrains. When I make these changes it is normally only to reflect the different uses of OT_types in different terrains. For example, the OT_BoatEntry is used as a dock structure in some terrains and as a copse of trees in the Channel1944 terrain. OT_weapon is used for some arty positions in the ETO terrain, and as tanks/AFV in others. OT_ParkedAC is used as static aircraft and as trucks. OT_Bridge is used as bridges and dock structures. Anyway, the last changes I made were for Prelude to Overlord, decreasing the value of OT_Boat entry from 20,000 pts to 200 pts and increasing the value of the OT_Subpen from 3000 to 10,600 pts.
Similarly there have not been any changes to the server file that determines how much damage a bomb or rocket does when it goes off. With the exception of torpedo damage, which gets adjusted in some S3s, the file is identical to the Main Arena.

To level the playing field a bit and "open the kimono"..
In the game a given explosive device causes its maximum damage at the point of impact. The farther away from the point of impact the less damage is caused out to a maximum radius where no damage is caused. I don't know the formula the game uses to reduce the amount of damage, nor do I want to get into a discussion of what it should or should not be. It just is.

Bomb damage
500 lb GP bombs cause 765 damage at point of impact. Max radius to cause damage is 550'
250 lb GP bombs cause 480 damage at point of impact. Max radius is 450'
100 lb GP bombs cause 320 damage at point of impact. Max radius 300'

OT Hardness (points of damaged needed to destroy)
Listing of OT types at the target fields displayed using the ".grndlables" command. Note these are the values used in the S3 and not in the main.

Hanger... .......................2500 (any size)
BoatEntry........................200 (used as copse of trees and part of the dock structure at F91)
Boat...............................700 (Boat)
Struct............................500 (water tank at rail yard)
Weapon.........................750 (tanks/AFVs)
Bridge.........................1000 (used as part of dock structure at F91)

I will let you guys "do the math" on types and numbers of bombs needed to destroy a given object. Now, had the Allies been aware of these values before Fr1 they probably would have attacked different objects. As a matter of fairness to both sides, the OT_BoatEntry will not be a valid target in subsequent frames.

I'm get the frame 1 summary up shortly.

Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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