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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:54 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:47 pm
Posts: 720
Location: Ottawa
Comparable turnout to Frame 1, but with a much bloodier start. Allies launched from F14 and the Axis from F80 with the intent of closing the other's respective airfield. Air-to-air combat commenced before any bombs were dropped. the Axis drew first blood, shooting down a P-38F before dropping bombs on F14. This attack destroyed a single AA gun. Once free of bombs, the Axis rapidly switched intercept Allied aircraft attacking F80. Ten minutes into the battle Axis fighters claimed 4 Allied fighters while AAA also shot down a P-38F at F80. In exchange, they lost a Fw190 whose ground crew had forgotten to remove the landing gear pins.
In the meantime, a single C-47 pilot had launched from F84 and was dropping airborne troops onto the neutral port at F95. 22 of 24 troops reached their objective, but were not enough to secure the port for the Allies.
Twenty minutes into the battle, the Allies closed F80, but had lost two more fighters while a Fw190 pilot was forced to bail out over friendly territory after a mid-air collision.
A Ju-52 pilot commenced deploying troops from F4 to the airfield and ports at F5, F94 and F95 at Bizerte, successfully securing these for future Axis use. At the same time, two Allied pilots with nearby fighter support attempted to get troops into F80, but were intercepted by the Axis and both shot down. A third C-47 was able to makes its way to F80 about 50 minutes after the start of the frame.
A slow battle of attrition developed with the Axis slowly gaining ground. Just shy of two hours into the frame the last of the Allied pilots logged from the arena.
Then the Axis had a field day, closing and capturing four Allied airfields (F14, F80, F77, F78 as well as posts F15 and F34).
The Axis now have a commanding tactical position for frame 3.

9 pilots, 48 sorties
RCAF: muzz--, yukone
4th: jedijc, bombr-
23rd: -split-, slpsht, grumpy-
hardad and kingat
P-400: 13 sorties, 1 Fw 190A-4 shot down, 7 aircraft lost
P-38F: 25 sorties, 1 Bf 109E1 shot down, 6 aircraft lost
C-47: 9 sorties, 1 airfield and 1 other field captured, 4 aircraft lost
Opel Truck; 1 sortie, 1 lost

6 pilots, 37 sorties
352nd: juice=, redsgt, vokker, =wilz=, osker-
Knights: okdoc-
BF 109E1: 11 sorties, 1 P-400, 1 P-38F and 1 C-47 destroyed, 2 aircraft lost
Bf 109G2: 12 sorties, 3 P-400, 1 P-38F, and 1 C-47 destroyed. 1 aircraft lost
Fw 190A-4: 22 sorties, 3 P-400 and 2 P-38F destroyed. 3 aircraft lost.
Ju-52: 11 sorties, 5 airfields and 5 other fields captured, no losses.

Rule Violations:
One axis pilot who had previously assigned a penalty plane went on to fly both the Fw190 AND the Bf109G2. This was contrary to the penalty plane limitation of only flying the Fw 190 OR the Bf109G2, and not BOTH. After an appeal, a penalty plane will not be assigned to this pilot. After launch he realized his error and enroute to landing he jettisoned his bomb only to be blown up by it, scoring a point for the Allies.
Another Axis pilot who was assigned a penalty plane launched in a Ju52 before he had lost the assigned penalty plane.
Both of these pilots are once again assigned their Staffel hacks, the Bf 109E-1, until it is lost. Subsequently they may fly one life in either the Bf 109G2 or the Fw 190A-4, but NOT both. They may also fly the Ju 52 AFTER they lose their Bf 109E-1.
<Aside> The Bf 109E-1 did quite well for itself in the frame.
Two Allied pilots flew the C-47 after already having lost that a/c type once in the frame. These pilots must fly the Hurricane MkIIb until it is lost. Subsequently they may fly the P-400 OR the P-38F, but not BOTH. They may also fly the C-47 AFTER they lose their Hurricane.
I will send email notifications to the offending pilots.
Reminder to all, one life per aircraft type. Maximum two lives in fighters. I will allow unlimited sorties in a truck.

TELEPORTING. There were a few instances of this. For now a reminder: pilots must launch from the same field they landed at, even if they change aircraft types. Pilots who lose their aircraft (KIA, ditch, etc) may re-up at any friendly field.

Frame 2 Scoring
Axis scores 13 points for Allied fighter losses and 8 pts for C-47 losses, for a total of 21 points.
Allied scores 6 points for Axis fighter losses.

Frame 3 Set-up.
Auto capture resulted in the following:
Arty F68, Post F69, Arty F70, post F49 are now gold.

Map below depicts field status at start of frame 3. All fields are open. A captured in frame 1 have all aircraft types available.


Sqn Ldr
past-CO 417 Sqn RCAF
"Supporting Liberty and Justice"
Muzz's Maps

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