S3 Series

Allies have declared an INVASION for Frame 3.... ideas?
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Author:  split [ Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Allies have declared an INVASION for Frame 3.... ideas?

I'm still pondering the layout.

If they want to invade this frame they have to declare the invasion no later than 24hrs beforehand. Not much time to think about it, so let's think some now.
If they declare invasion we will need to sink some of the troop ships, but they will have some destroyers. There will also be an ai routine of JU52's, which will need dealt with. I suspect they would arrive before the ships do, but who knows. They would mostly take down the few guns that will be located at each closed field/etc before troops arrive to avoid troopers dying.
Sleepy says it is going to take a lot more troops than usual for a capture.

If they don't declare an invasion they will also want to hit all closed fields because that will allow them to be closed next frame as well. Otherwise they reopen for us the next frame.
With no invasion would they try and close port f1 or go deeper, or even continue down S going West? F1 not easy to close if I remember right.
I'm leaning that at some point they would go deeper for an airfield or two, with a possible de-acking of F1 otw. They were using some low fighter bombers/strafers to finish off 6 and 18. They will do the same once most ack is down at any field/location I would think.
Remember we won't have any airframes over Dover any time quick.
Radar is going to be limited as well.
*Just noticed that regardless of what they do they WILL hit radar at 68. If we lose 68, radar won't reach very far east at all.

Author:  OhShix [ Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 ideas....

They maintained the density of the fight and we did not. I suggest what ever we do all squads do it together.

Author:  split [ Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frame 3 ideas....

Oshix, this is true.
Problem is next frame there is one asset we absolutely need to defend all night without regard to an invasion or not...F68 - radar.
Also remember that if no invasion is declared they will have to hit all the locations that are now closed once again, although there will
be only a few targets at each location including limited guns. They will be fairly easy but it's something they need to do if they want them
closed for the next frame...which means we get back radar and they won't want that. If they don't hit them they reopen to us next frame.

The re-opening of any of the Rye(NO Field#) or Dover area radars would be nice which means we would need to defend them or one of them as well.
Tons of things to think about.

Will post orders no later than late Sat nite EST, considering they can wait until 8:30pm Sat nite (24hrs before frame) to announce an invasion. This is absolutely too late, but it is what it is.

Any volunteers for at least one long sortie on station around a radar site? We could rotate a wing of 4 from various groups to spell each other.

Be aware there is a chance that I may not be present until some time later in the frame as relatives visiting from California have the option of us all going out for dinner Sunday.
I will do the orders and hope they pick some other day ;)

Author:  Beaver [ Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allies have declared an INVASION for Frame 3.... ideas?

Invasion is declared on the main forum, it should be disallower as they didn't declare Sea Lion.

RCAF should have 4 fighters Sunday.

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