S3 Series

Orders from German High Command
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Author:  kaceyj [ Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Orders from German High Command

"Richtlinie Nummer 16".

Operation Sealion. "Ziel dieser Operation ist es, das englische Mutterland als Grundlage für die Fortführung des Krieges gegen Deutschland zu beseitigen und, sollte dies unvermeidlich werden, es in vollem Umfang zu besetzen".

Während der größte Teil der Versorgung, die für die Vorbereitung auf amphibische Angriffe auf England benötigt wird, per Bahn verschifft werden wird, werden einige Transporte über den Konvoi von den nördlichen Häfen aus erfolgen müssen. Deshalb werden Luftwaffenstaffeln zum Schutz dieser Konvois eingesetzt. Geheimdienstberichte zeigen, dass sich mehr RAF-Kämpfer auf den Schutz britischer Festungsanlagen konzentrieren werden. Daher wird wenig Widerstand erwartet.

Alle verfügbaren Streitkräfte der Luftwaffe werden die ursprünglichen Ziele der Operation Sea Lion fortsetzen, Luftüberlegenheit zu schaffen und jegliche Bedrohung einer britischen Militärintervention auszuschließen.

'Directive Number 16'.

Operation Sealion. "The aim of this operation is to eliminate the English motherland as a base from which war against Germany can be continued, and, if this should become unavoidable, to occupy it to the full extent".

While most of the supply needed in preparation for amphibious assaults on England will be shipped by rail, some will require shipment via convoy from northern ports. Therefore, Luftwaffe squadrons will be assigned to protect these convoys. Intelligence reports reveal more RAF fighters will be focused on protecting British mainland fortifications. Therefore, little resistance is expected.

All available Luftwaffe forces will continue Operation Sea Lion's original goals of establishing air superiority and eliminating any threat of British military intervention.

Author:  split [ Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Orders from German High Command

kaceyj wrote:
"Richtlinie Nummer 16".
Therefore, Luftwaffe squadrons will be assigned to protect these convoys. Intelligence reports reveal more RAF fighters will be focused on protecting British mainland fortifications. Therefore, little resistance is expected.

Are you saying that there will be ai fighters defending our convoys, or does it mean we HAVE to have fighter protection for our ships?
Also will there be ai Allied fighters added to the mix over Britain? I don't see how they will have more fighters unless it is ai or new pilots on their side.
I'm thinking you are just setting up the frame's scenario without any real changes except pointing out we will have ships in the water up North.
I assume the English ships we saw last frame will be sailing again in frame 2.


Author:  kaceyj [ Fri Sep 28, 2018 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orders from German High Command

I am just setting up the frame.. the only real addition from me will be a couple AI convoys coming in from the north to the Calais region. I will tell you exactly when and where your convoys will be at sea including destinations when the mission design is complete (tomorrow I hope). I am not telling the Allies exactly where your ships will be coming from so not really planning to tell you exactly where theirs will be .....but yes there will be Allied AI convoys.

Author:  split [ Fri Sep 28, 2018 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Orders from German High Command

Thank you for the clarification.


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