S3 Series

Solomons Frame 1 Discussions
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Author:  Beaver [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

zinhwk wrote:
Unless we can justify the points/cost of going after the CV. I propose going after the CV as a way of corralling enemy fighters. Try and use our range to out last and pin the F4Fs.....unless they rebase on land.

They have 2 more steps of aircraft then are land bases available ;)

Author:  jabo [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

Forgot to add that only Vals and Kates are at seaplane bases. Empty Kates are very good recce a/c for those brave souls.

Henderson area will be a hornets nest so I doubt going for that is wise at any time. Picking on the AI shipping routes makes sense and hopefully you find a CV grp. Sending out high A6M3s as recce worked quite well in the last series we ran this matchup. You dont need many, maybe 2 steps or 2 small squads in fighter duty.

Author:  Sasquatch [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

jabo wrote:
Forgot to add that only Vals and Kates are at seaplane bases. Empty Kates are very good recce a/c for those brave souls.

Henderson area will be a hornets nest so I doubt going for that is wise at any time. Picking on the AI shipping routes makes sense and hopefully you find a CV grp. Sending out high A6M3s as recce worked quite well in the last series we ran this matchup. You dont need many, maybe 2 steps or 2 small squads in fighter duty.

^^^ I concur with -jabo-, this worked well for us ( was it CC?). I remember being above VF352 and as long as I kept my speed up, the Grumman's couldn't stay with me.

Of course, picking off Tod was a bonus

Author:  Sakai [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

<drive by>

Prelims up tonight gents.

Good discussions.

</drive by>

Author:  Beaver [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

I would suggest that the A6M3's on Recee duty go with bombs and Drop tanks, gives them lots of range and if they spot some freighters, they may be able to do some damage. :) ;)

Author:  Sakai [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

Reconnaissance Fighters will scout north of the 5 Lat line between 9.5 to 12.5 and north. I suspect the northern CV route run a path to help cover the AI Shipping 10, 11 and 12. Another flight should scout the Coral Sea west of Guadalcanal from AI Shipping 7, 8 and north to the Russells. I think one Shotai (3 planes) in the north and one in the south. I will take volunteers for very high altitude scouting to look for the Allied FGs and to maintain visual contact. I like Beaver's idea of the scouts carrying bombs.

The Knights will roll from 5 and 6 heading west directly then turn south once beyond the 1 longitude line to avoid the dar and coastal watchers at 12. Once below the 7 latitude line they should then turn east and climb out into the north end of the Slot. Sending you off the Carriers is an option too, but that would make for a crossing of probable Allied patrol zones over their targets over the Kolombangara and Santa Isabel area. Once scouts report contacts, we will vector you guys in and vector cover.

I would add that if there is a delay in locating the Allied carriers, we can divert to the Military Base at San Jorge (46) and Village and Dock at Tanambuli (47). I suspect the Allies to hit the north end of Santa Isabel at 33 and 32 to move the front, but if they do that then they out of prudence should overstock 46 and 47. I think they will also hit the Slot shipping lanes and those around IJ Shpping 6, 4 and 5. I will not be surprised if we see a hit in the nw around the Treasury Islands. With the assets they have, I would offer that as a strike option.

Fighter groups distribution is the hard part. Noted from above is their distribution requirements of 12 of 14 max on Guadalcanal. The rules state that Carrier groups can be comprised from 0-3 ships per routine. We were allocated 2 Carriers in each of our two groups. The Allies could have more with a max of six carriers. Six Carriers is 12 steps, equalling what they have on land. This makes scouting and reporting of contacts vital.

Open for thoughts.

Author:  jabo [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

Those bombs would be good to drop high onto a cluster of parked a/c at any of the Allied bases. Chances are one near hit would get at least one parked a/c which are quite soft targets. I wouldnt go below 4000ft though as the 20mm and MGs would shred you. Other targets if you are low with the little bombs would be static boats as they take the least amount of damage to go down.

Author:  Hawk [ Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

Sakai wrote:

The Knights will roll from 5 and 6 heading west directly then turn south once beyond the 1 longitude line to avoid the dar and coastal watchers at 12. Once below the 7 latitude line they should then turn east and climb out into the north end of the Slot. Sending you off the Carriers is an option too, but that would make for a crossing of probable Allied patrol zones over their targets over the Kolombangara and Santa Isabel area. Once scouts report contacts, we will vector you guys in and vector cover.

Open for thoughts.

Sakai, you do want us climbing the whole way correct? Where do my Knights figthers lift from seeing how we are a 3 step squadron?

Thanks buddy and as always, we'll try our best for you.


Author:  Beaver [ Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions


I am polling my guys to see if they want to scout or defend or escort Hawk and his excellent gents. :)

Author:  Sakai [ Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solomons Frame 1 Discussions

Sounds good Beaver....I'll go with final orders tonight.

If you were the Allied Commander - what would you do with your Carrier fighters? Who and how would you provide security for their Fleets?

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