S3 Series

Muzz's Madness #007 - The Grand Tour - Sunday 14 Apr 2024
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Author:  Muzz [ Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Muzz's Madness #007 - The Grand Tour - Sunday 14 Apr 2024

An homage to the air races organized by The Menacing Ferrets. <S>

Posting rules early for this one so you can practice offline ahead of time. If you don't practice, you are going to wish you did.

It's a race. First player get their plane through the course and land successfully at the finish, i.e. intact, wheels down and stopped on the runway, is the winner.
The race official (Me) must see you stopped on the runway. If you exit before I see you, you will be disqualified. Be warned!
Prizes include bragging rights for the winner and buckets of prop wash for the second and third place finishers. WLDBIL may wish to add something to the pot...
In the unlikely event no player is able to complete the course during the frame, the winner will be the player who got closest to completing the course.

Frame starts at 2030hrs EDT, Sunday 14 April 2024.
Race will start at ~2035hrs EDT with a channel 201 announcement of "Flight Enabled, Start your engines, GO GO GO!"

Frame will end:
- 20 minutes after the first player successfully completes the course;
- 10 minutes after the third player successfully completes the course; or
- NLT 2230hrs EDT

See route map below.
Inflight map showing route can be downloaded here.
The official The Grand Tour Route Guide, replete with detailed graphics of each turn point, can be downloaded at TheGrandTourGuide.docx. ~2.2Mb.

North Sea Terrain. Race turn points are GREEN erroneously grey on the map below, all other fields neutral. Some neutral fields will be hidden on the inflight map to reduce clutter.
ICONS set at long range so you can see who is ahead of you.
KILLSHOOTER ON. If you shoot at a friendly the damage will be assigned to YOUR aircraft. Keep your guns on SAFE.
MIN FUEL 100% - you will need more than you carry if you over use WEP.
- if you take off with external ord/fuel, you must auger and re-up in a clean plane. Failing to do so will result in race disqualification.

Aircraft will only be available at F25 Castle Bromwich.
The spawn point is inside the Spitfire factory, and you have to make a left hand turn to taxi/fly out of the building. See THE GUIDE for more details.

At each turn point, except TP8 - F64 Blackpool, players must fly through a designated hangar. Failing to fly through a designated hangar before continuing to the next TP will result in disqualification. Race officials will be watching.
See THE GUIDE for illustrations of the designated hangars.

If you crash/DISCO you must restart the race from the beginning of the course and fly thru all the turn points again. Try not to crash/DISCO!

At the FINISH point, you must fly through the hangar, then land. Landing without flying through the hangar gets you disqualified.

Clear as mud?

Any question/comments to the undersigned.


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