S3 Series

S3 #133 The Fotball War - Frame 3 results and Frame 4 set-up
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Author:  Muzz [ Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  S3 #133 The Fotball War - Frame 3 results and Frame 4 set-up

Team Gold came out swing this frame, focusing on closing Landing Ground 13 and force the FAS to operate from further south. However, FAH were unable to close the field in a single attack, and were severely mauled by FAS defenders, losing all the attacking aircraft and only dispatching three of the defenders. F13 was eventually closed and forced team Green to fly from SAF 26, almost 40 miles from the ground war at F2. FAH was able to prevent Salvadoran ground forces from making any gains, but at a HUGE cost of aircraft and pilots.

Team Gold - FAH
10 players
RCAF: muzz--, -deak-, yukone
4th FG: WLDBIL, jedijc, bombr-, coolon, nookyb (welcome back!)
23rd FG: -splt-, slpsht

58 sorties in the F4U-4. 29 aircraft lost, 2 to AAA!
2 P-51Ds and 7 F4U-1Ds shot down, 39 trucks destroyed, 36 ground objects destroyed and F13 closed.

Team Green - FAS
7 players - 35 sorties
352nd FG: juice=, =wilz=, vokker, redsgt, crhtwo, noflyz
Unafil: okdoc-,

23 sorties in the F4U-1D (5 pilots), 9 aircraft lost
Shot down 15 F4U-4, destroyed 11 ground objects
12 sorties in the P-51D (3 pilots), 2 aircraft lost
Shot down 9 F4U-4, destroyed 26 ground objects
F2 closed and F80 heavily damaged

Team Gold earned 11 points for FAS aircraft losses, giving them a 2-frame total of 19 VPs.
Team Green earned 29 points for FAH aircraft losses, extending their lead to 53 VPs!

Frame 4 Set-up (Sunday 5 Mar):
Identical to frame 3, except Salvadoran army commanders have told their troops to put the pedal to the metal. AI truck convoy speeds will be increased to 10 mph.

Contrary to an email from WildBill, I had only planned on four frames for this series. Unless there is an overwhelming request for a frame 5, we will take a one week break after frame 4 and start a new series on March 19th. Current plan is to run a strategic bombing event (more details to follow). Regrettably, we will have to use a large number of AI bombers to make up for a shortage of players.

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