S3 Series

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Author:  yamon- [ Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Rules

There has been quite a few rules being broken this series of S3 and yes even one of the 23rds own. Our pilot (who's not normally a buff pilot) didn't read the rule about being over 15k for HE-111's. Of course Frame 3 had no airstart available either. I see some pilots who flew the top tier aircraft more than one time after dying in it (gives the other side more points though ;) ) and I see pilots landing at closed airfields and teleporting. I didn't think aircraft were available at F1 (it's a port), but some pilots landed and took off there.

I guess after the 2 collisions I had; I should've just re-upped in the 109E4aa and forgot about the rules.

We can do better than this gents. Even well experienced S3 pilots are having problems.


Author:  nookyb [ Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules

The 4th knows that they have 3 planes to rotate through...if they got shot down in the spit1, they moved on to the hurry or the spit1 87. Until all 3 lives are spent.

As far as F1, I must admit that we did not know that we could not launch from there if we landed there as there were planes available. Several of us did land at F1 and then take off...the field was open and there were planes available.

The 4th should know that they can't ditch at a closed field or teleport. I will discuss with them this week, but that's been our SOP. I don't recall any of our squad doing that...I did see another green ditch at a closed field ( I think F18)late in the frame and I don't recall the pilot's name. I don't know if it was his last life or what he relaunched in.

I would agree that if a pilot lands at a closed field, he should lose a life and that plane. But then can launch at his base with a different plane as long as he has lives remaining.

It's long been the 4th's policy to not pull any shenanigans with the rules... if you have seen anyone in our squad doing anything questionable, it will be corrected.

I think we need a ruling on landing and launching at F1 from the S3 gods....

Author:  OhShix [ Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules

I am guilty of ignorance regarding the HE111 altitude restriction. Air started at 20K then climbed to 21.5K on the way to target.

Cloud cover prevented me from closing 34. :?

Author:  yamon- [ Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules

Wasn't you I was referring to Ohsix.

5-5. Bomber Minimun Altitudes - He 111, DO17Z, B25C and Wellington bombers will disburse their ordinance NO LOWER than 15000 ft. Maximin altitudes are only restricted by aircraft capabilities.

Airfields during Battle of Britain.


Author:  jabo [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules

It would be awesome if SPINDZ could enable a sysvar where by you could limit 1 life per available aircraft. Loose that life and you dont get that plane as an option in the dropdown or its greyed out. Would stop many mistakes make it easier for everyone to police.

Author:  kaceyj [ Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules

I will take the blame for not enforcing the rules well. I can only plead ignorance in that I have never had to do that before. I wiil try going through the Frame 4 log and also seeing if I can catch these in the future. However, I can not go back and correct my mistakes prior to Frame 4. I am slow with the points and apologize for that also. Best I can offer at this point. However I will put a post in all the forum pages to remind/inform all of altitude, lost life/lost plane rules and teleporting restrictions.


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